Author: Ammy

Men who had an overprotective relationship with their father, with loss of autonomy during childhood and adolescence, were 12% more likely to die before age 80 than those without a controlling father. These were the results of a survey of nearly a thousand British elderly on the effect of longevity on children of overprotective parents. Among women, the risk was even greater: those who reported having an authoritarian and overprotective father had a 22% increased risk of dying before the age of 80. Read on and learn more. Children of Overprotective Parents: Study Details The data have been published in…

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Evaluating a well-balanced diet that contains more natural than industrial foods is essential to keep your health up to date. This is because a proper diet, linked to good habits in daily life, can help prevent conditions such as high blood pressure, which affects many Brazilians and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. So, can you guess which fruit is particularly helpful in lowering so-called high blood pressure? Fruit for high blood pressure If you answered banana, you are correct! The element is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that has a direct impact on…

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Actress Jessica Alba, 41, has starred in several movies in the 2000s. A few years ago she decided to calm down and stop appearing in movies. Jessica, mother of three children, is currently engaged in entrepreneurship: she owns the Honest Beauty brand, which produces vegan cosmetics. In addition to her acting and business skills, the actress has an active and varied routine of physical exercise. According to Ramona Braganza, the artist’s personal trainer, Jessica loves to meditate and practice Iyengar yoga, a type of practice that uses accessories to align the postures. Other of Jessica’s passions are cycling and dancing…

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Comedian Didi Santana, 86, has been a topic on social media for undergoing plastic surgery at a clinic in the interior of Sao Paulo. In this way, the actor surprised Internet users, who asked themselves the question: Is there an age limit to carry out facial coordination? “86 years with a face?? (Complete the sentence in the comments). we had the honor of receiving this little boy, Dede Santana, at our clinic! We began to contour his face with fillers for the jaw, Chinese mustache, chin, dark circles, cheekbones, lips and puppets, among other procedures such as eyebrow design, ”reads…

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Treat the body as a whole. This is the goal of integrative medicine, an approach that combines traditional practices with complementary therapies. In the search for general well-being, all the influences that affect human health are taken into account: physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental aspects. Learn more about this practice. What is integrative medicine? According to cardiologist Carlos Alberto Stipe, integrative medicine appeared in the United States in the 1960s and was the result of dissatisfaction among users of the health system and disillusionment with the medical model of the time. As early as the 1990s, different American…

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In the last month of pregnancy, the baby can arrive at any time, as most mothers go into labor between 38 and 42 weeks. At this stage of great expectation and anxiety, expectant mothers who want a normal delivery may be concerned about something: the baby is sitting up. Also called a pelvic baby, this position occurs when the baby is out of shape, that is, the baby is not face down. Therefore, the baby remains with its legs and hips toward the birth canal, rather than head down. The position prevents a normal delivery, since the baby can be…

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People with high blood pressure (commonly known as “hypertension”) need to be more careful with their diet. This is because some ingredients, while seemingly harmless, can aggravate the condition if taken in large amounts. Therefore, a common question is: can people with high blood pressure drink ginger tea? Check the answer: What is high blood pressure? Currently, “normal” blood pressure is 130/85 mmHg. Above 140/90 mmHg, a person is already considered to have high blood pressure. The first number indicates the force that the heart uses to expel blood from its interior and transport it to the rest of the…

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For millions of people, little and poor sleep is part of the hustle and bustle of the modern world. There is a certain habit of experiencing the so-called social “jet lag”, as if the problem were just a matter of adjusting schedules. However, what the majority of the population does not know is that this disorder is a disease included in the list of the World Health Organization (WHO): it is insufficient sleep syndrome. What is social jet lag? The disease is characterized when the patient sleeps less than necessary as “chronic deprivation” that prevents restful sleep. Due to the…

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Being a teenager and worrying about appearance is very common. This is because between the ages of 12 and 17, growth hormones kick in and the body undergoes major changes. These changes can undermine self-esteem and lead to anxiety, which can have significant effects on mental health. Therefore, many choose teenage bodybuilding. But despite the many benefits, lifting weights at this stage of life can also carry risks, if you don’t have medical follow-up. Right now, parents and guardians are wondering whether or not teens can gain weight without compromising their physical development. Did you do bodybuilding when you were…

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Dog owners know that the experience of owning a pet can fill your heart with love and create happy memories. But, did you know that living with dogs also benefits our health and extends our lives? So says a study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. The research, conducted by the University of Toronto, Canada, in collaboration with the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in the US, shows that living with dogs reduces the risk of premature death. Results First, the researchers looked at studies from 1950 to May 2019, which returned data on nearly 4 million…

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