The currency is similar to Bitcoin, which appeared in 2009 and has become one of the most popular. Money here is a unit of account, a means of exchange, and a way of saving. But the period (two and a half minutes) required to confirm a payment for Litecoin is four times less than for Bitcoin. The largest number of Litecoin coins is 84 million, four times the number of Bitcoin.
How to exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to Litecoin (LTC)
In the exchangers at bestchange, it is possible to exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to Litecoin (LTC), and the exchange can be manual or automatic (usually when the user goes to the exchanger’s website and cannot carry out the operation automatically, he contacts the operator and carries out the necessary actions manually). This action is resorted to when automatic Bitcoin (BTC) to Litecoin (LTC) exchanges are unavailable for a given period.
From the list provided by the site, you can select the exchange point that is most suitable for the visitor. If the exchange problem has not been resolved, service specialists advise entering the “FAQ” section, which provides instructions for using the resource.
There are functions here that can significantly facilitate users’ tasks. For example, they usually use a calculator to correctly determine the amount that needs to be given and received. Thanks to it, you can find out how much currency you can get at each exchanger. Or, when the proposed course is unsuitable for the user, you can use the “notification” option to indicate personal wishes in numbers. The service will notify Webmoney’s internal mail or e-mail if suitable conditions arise.
The “Double Exchange” service is also offered when exchange offices do not carry out the operation. Then, the transformation will be carried out through transit currency.
How to use
To carry out this operation, you need to enter in the column called “Give” the type of virtual currency that you want to exchange. After this, in the next column, “Receive,” you enter the money transferred to your account. The next step is to enter the total amount of funds deposited and get the result.
Don’t worry about the safety of your actions – the resource is quite reliable, which is confirmed by reviews from e-wallet users.
Customer care comes first
Next to the name of any service, information is provided about the volume of currency for exchange, about reserves, plus user comments. The resource provides information conveniently and accessible to network users. Graphic icons have been introduced for them, providing guidelines for performing a transaction manually (they will show the commission size, for example). By comparing commissions, it is possible to withdraw cryptocurrency to the card as profitably as possible.
The resource significantly saves time – to monitor the site, the user will need to spend a few minutes, after which the most favorable exchange rate will be found. Using this site, users can “keep their finger on the pulse,” have information about all exchange portals, and exchange BitCoin cryptocurrency.
Advantages of the BestChange website
Monitoring exchangers, BestChange was created for the convenience of those users for whom it is essential to exchange electronic money online without worrying about the security of this procedure and with the lowest commission costs. Therefore, it is best to carry out financial transactions with payment systems through this resource. There are several other positive aspects of using this site:
It contains the most current directions, offers a favorable rate, and makes it possible to carry out any currency transactions – sales, exchange, transfer, automatic and manual modes, and the reliability of exchange offices on the resource.